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6.04.01 Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the state president are to:
- Preside at Executive Committee meetings and business meetings of the state chapter.
- Write to regional presidents by October 30, and suggest that they correspond with the president of each chapter in their region to encourage attendance at their respective RLC and the SLC.
- Serve as a voting delegate at the NLC.
- Serve as a member of the PA FBLA Board of Directors.
- Maintain a close and continuing relationship with the State Adviser.
- Submit monthly reports to the State Adviser, ML Coordinator, Executive Director/State Chairman, and Conference Coordinator.
- Present a workshop at the SLW, if required.
The responsibilities of the state first vice president are to:
- Preside over Executive Committee meetings and business meetings of the state chapter in the absence of the president.
- Assist the president in duties assigned to him/her.
- Write to regional presidents as directed by State Adviser informing them they will be recognized at the SLC.
- Serve as a voting delegate at the NLC.
- Serve as a voting member of the PA FBLA Board of Directors.
- Submit monthly reports to the State Adviser, ML Coordinator, Executive Director/State Chairman, and Conference Coordinator.
- Present a workshop at the SLW, if required.
The responsibilities of the state secretary are to:
- Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of Executive Committee meetings. Provide a copy of these minutes to the State Adviser, Conference Coordinator, ML Coordinator, and the Executive Director/State Chairman within two weeks following each meeting. In addition, provide a copy of the minutes of the SLC business meetings to the state office and to the newly elected president for his/her report at the NLC.
- Write any preliminary and/or follow-up correspondence relative to state chapter business as directed by the State Adviser, Conference Coordinator, ML Coordinator, Executive Director/State Chairman, or Executive Committee.
- Serve as the alternate voting delegate at the NLC, if necessary.
- Write to regional secretaries as directed by State Adviser and suggest they correspond with the secretaries of each chapter in their region to encourage attendance at their respective RLC and the SLC.
- Serve as the installing official during the chapter installation ceremony at the SLC and perform other specific assignments.
- Submit monthly reports to the State Adviser, ML Coordinator, Executive Director/State Chairman, and Conference Coordinator.
- Present a workshop at the SLW, if required.
The responsibilities of the state treasurer are to:
- Send receipts to local chapters for checks received for the state project.
- Submit checks received for the state project and an updated spreadsheet weekly accounting for all state project contributions to the Executive Director/State Chairman.
- Submit an updated spreadsheet of state project contributions weekly to the State Adviser and Executive Director/State Chairman.
- Submit monthly reports to the State Adviser, ML Coordinator, Executive Director/State Chairman, and Conference Coordinator.
- Present a workshop at the SLW, if required.
The responsibilities of the state reporter are to:
- Publish the PA FBLA Penn Pal at least four times a year to be distributed to local chapters.
- Send receipts to local chapters for articles submitted for the Penn Pal.
- Submit a minimum of one article relative to state chapter activities to the national FBLA office for possible inclusion in Tomorrow’s Business Leader.
- Submit monthly reports to the State Adviser, ML Coordinator, Executive Director/State Chairman, and Conference Coordinator.
- Present a workshop at the SLW, if required.
The responsibilities of the vice presidents at large are to:
- Perform duties assigned by the Executive Director/State Chairman or State Adviser.
- Write to the president of each chapter in the various regions as directed by State Adviser and suggest that the president encourage all members to attend their respective RLC and the SLC.
- Submit monthly reports to the State Adviser, ML Coordinator, Executive Director/State Chairman, and Conference Coordinator.
- Present a workshop at the SLW, if required.
The responsibilities of the state parliamentarian are to:
- See that meetings of the Executive Committee and business meetings at the SLC are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, current edition.
- Bring to all meetings Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, current edition, and the National and State Constitutions and Bylaws.
- Be certain that only the proper members of the Executive Committee vote and make motions. These include the nine officers.
- Submit monthly reports to the State Adviser, ML Coordinator, Executive Director/State Chairman, and Conference Coordinator.
- Present a workshop at the SLW, if required.
The responsibilities of all advisers of state officers are to:
- Chaperone and participate in all meetings attended by their state officer.
- Assist the state officer with the performance of his/her responsibilities.
- Prepare assigned topics for officer training during the June Executive Committee meeting, if requested.
- Work closely with the state officer in preparing his or her speaking parts for the SLW and SLC.
- Present a workshop at the SLW, if requested.
- Perform duties assigned by the Executive Director/State Chairman, State Adviser, or Conference Coordinator.