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6.02 Board of Directors

The PA FBLA Board of Directors serves as the policy-making body of the state chapter and is comprised of the following voting members: (a) six local advisers at large, (b) the PA FBLA state president, (c) the PA FBLA state first vice president, (d) a representative from business and/or industry, (e) a representative from school administration, (f) two persons at large, (g) the PA FBLA Board treasurer, (h) an alumnus of FBLA, (i) two retired members of education or the education field, (j) the adviser to the state president, and (k) the adviser to the state first vice president. The following shall serve on the Board of Directors in a non-voting capacity: (a) the PA FBLA Executive Director/State Chairman, (b) the PA FBLA Conference Coordinator, (c) the PA FBLA State Adviser, (d) the PA Competitive Events Coordinator(s), (e) Middle Level Coordinator, (f) Virtual Chapter Coordinator/Adviser, (g) the PDE business education/ marketing adviser, (h) the PDE FBLA CTSO facilitator, and (i) the immediate past president of the Board of the Directors.

A candidate for a position on the Board must complete an online application form and submit as directed. The signature of the superintendent is mandatory if applying for one of the adviser-at-large positions. Elections shall take place by mail or electronic ballot, and only one adviser per chapter is eligible to vote. The Board of Directors application will be completed online; however, a printed worksheet is found in Appendix L.

In order to be eligible to apply for the FBLA Alumnus position, the applicant must have completed at least three years after high school graduation and cannot currently be serving as a local chapter adviser. In order to be eligible to apply for the person-at-large position, the applicant must have completed at least three years after high school graduation. In order to apply for the school administrator position, the applicant must have three complete years of service as a school administrator. In order to be eligible to apply for an adviser-at-large position, the applicant must have three years’ experience as an FBLA chapter adviser.

Local chapter advisers shall be eligible to cast ballots for the FBLA Alumnus position on the Board of Directors.

Refer to Article II of the PA FBLA Bylaws for more information on the Board of Directors.

Board members shall be reimbursed at the IRS rate for travel plus the necessary lodging and planned meals for official Board functions, unless reimbursed by their school or business.