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5.0 The Regional Chapter


The Pennsylvania Chapter is organized into three districts, which include 28 regions approved by the Board of Directors. The following is a list of the regions included in each district.

Western District-1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 24

Central District-5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 17, 23, 26

Eastern District-8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 25, 27, 28

The main activities for each region are the RLW and the RLC. New regions are created when a region contains so many chapters that it is difficult to conduct the RLC.

Governing Body

Each region has an adviser elected from and by the local chapter advisers at the RLC. This person will serve a three-year term beginning July 1 and may serve consecutive terms. If a regional adviser resigns, all advisers in the region should meet to elect another to fill the position.

The responsibilities of the regional adviser are to:

  1. Assist the region in selecting a host school for the RLW and RLC and aid in coordinating activities.
  2. Arrange to meet with the regional president, regional secretary, chapter advisers, and chapter presidents who will host the RLW and RLC prior to these meetings.
  3. Coordinate the election of regional officers.
  4. Maintain close communication with the state FBLA office, State Adviser, regional officers, and chapter advisers.
  5. Select the outstanding chapter in the region in accordance with the official criteria.
  6. Attend the SLW, SLC, and other special regional advisers’ meetings or assign a chapter adviser to represent the region.
  7. Coordinate, when necessary, transportation to the SLC.
  8. Provide leadership to schools in the region that want to organize a chapter.
  9. Receive the regional testing materials which will include the school-site answer keys and other necessary materials
  10. Determine how the online testing will be conducted within your region.
  11. Distribute, collect, count, and dispose of all testing materials immediately following the RLC.
  12. Send results immediately following the RLC by e-mail to Mr. Bruce E. Boncal, PA FBLA Executive Director/State Chairman, PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740, bboncal@pafbla.us, on forms provided by the Executive Director/State Chairman.
  13. Attend the Regional Adviser Summit (or send a representative), if scheduled.

The students within each region elect a president, a secretary, and other officers as deemed necessary for a one-year term. The regional officers for the following school year shall be elected during the RLC by two voting delegates from each chapter, who are generally the president and vice president. There is no limit to the number of elected regional offices that a chapter may hold.

A candidate for regional office shall be recommended by his/her adviser who shall notify the regional adviser that a member intends to run for regional office. He/she shall have at least one full school year remaining as a member.

In the event a region president cannot fulfill his or her responsibilities, the region vice president (if the region has one) shall become president. Otherwise, any vacancies shall be made by appointment of the region adviser.

The responsibilities of the regional president are to:

  1. Preside at the RLW and RLC.
  2. Meet with the regional adviser and chapter advisers and presidents who will host the RLW and RLC to plan regional activities, including the role of the regional president.
  3. Communicate throughout the year with chapter presidents.
  4. Maintain close communication with the regional secretary.
  5. Attend the SLW and SLC.

The responsibilities of the regional secretary are to:

  1. Present the minutes of the previous meeting at the RLW and RLC.
  2. Record the minutes of the RLW and RLC.
  3. Mail the minutes to each chapter in the region.
  4. Send letters of appreciation to speakers, judges, and guests who participated in the RLW and RLC.
  5. Maintain accurate accounts of previous meeting records and provide these records to the incoming secretary.
  6. Attend the SLW and SLC.

Regional Leadership Workshop (RLW)

The RLW should be held in October or November. Every local chapter is urged to be represented by its adviser and as many members as possible. Attendance is a must for those who are committed to achieving the goals of FBLA. The objectives for the RLW are to:

  1. Teach members leadership skills.
  2. Inform members about the various aspects of the FBLA program.
  3. Share ideas regarding local chapter activities with members from other schools.
  4. Provide regional officers with an opportunity to conduct the business meeting.
  5. Strengthen communication among chapter advisers and members.
  6. Inform members about the state project.
  7. Allow members to become acquainted with FBLA members from other local chapters.


Each year an amount determined by the Board of Directors will be allotted to the regional adviser by the state chapter. No additional state monies shall be paid to a regional adviser or a local chapter for expenses that might have been incurred. That allocation will be paid in two installments to the region adviser: (1) 50% after receiving the RLC winners’ list, and (2) 50% after attendance at the SLC and assisting with the administration of a competitive event; the presentation of a workshop; or other duty as approved by the Executive Director/State Chairman based on the recommendations from the Conference Coordinator, Competitive Events Coordinator, or State Adviser. The use of the two payments is at the discretion of the region adviser.

An effective RLW program may be planned and implemented without incurring a large expense; however, some financing may be necessary. If a meal is involved, each participating chapter will decide how to cover the cost. In some cases, a nominal workshop fee may be charged.

Each region must be a self-supportive unit. A region has power to assess member schools to cover costs of operation for the current school year. If a chapter fails to meet the requirements, it will not be permitted to attend and/or participate in the activity or activities for which the assessment is made.

Planning Meeting

Prior to the RLW, the regional adviser and officers plus chapter advisers and members will conduct a planning meeting to arrange details of the upcoming RLW. Members and advisers can discuss meeting plans, delegate responsibility for various aspects of the program, observe the host school facilities, share ideas for the program content, etc. To provide the most successful regional activities, each chapter should assume responsibility for some aspect of the program.


The RLW should parallel the SLW to the extent that such is feasible and should include:

  1. A session at which the regional president presides with the assistance of the regional secretary.
  2. An opportunity for FBLA members and advisers to share ideas (preferably in small workshops) concerning FBLA activities.
  3. Workshops on scholarships, competitive events, and Pennsylvania’s state project.
  4. A businessperson or member of the professions who assists the participants in the development of leadership skills.
  5. An opportunity for a member of the state Executive Committee to bring a brief message to the participants and/or present a workshop.
  6. A discussion about regional chapter activities to be held during the latter part of the school year.

Refer to this document for a sample letter from the host chapter to chapters in the region, this document for a sample RLW program, and to this document for a sample meal reservation form. If possible, each chapter should be involved in the program.

Registration Procedure

The regional adviser will coordinate with the host school the mailing of RLW information to each chapter adviser several weeks before the RLW. Whether pre-registration is required depends on the necessity of knowing in advance how many members and advisers will be in attendance.

Regional Leadership Conference (RLC)

The RLC should be held at least four weeks prior to the SLC. A local chapter in the region hosts the RLC which may be conducted either following a school session or on a Saturday. Also, since equipment is no longer needed on site because of school-site testing, most schools are large enough to host the RLC thereby eliminating the need to travel to colleges in the area on dates that may be inconveniently late in the year for the RLC. It is the highlight of the year for many local chapter members and provides leadership, educational, competitive, and social experiences.


The objectives for the RLC are to:

  1. Elect regional officers for the next school year.
  2. Provide competition in individual/team competitive events before the SLC.
  3. Strengthen communication among chapter advisers and members.
  4. Provide school and community recognition to the host chapter for organizing and conducting the RLC.
  5. Give regional officers primary roles in conducting the conference.
  6. Select the host school(s) for the next RLW and/or RLC.
  7. Give local members an opportunity to announce candidacy for state or national office.


Every local chapter in the region is urged to be represented.

Any region may add tests, but a student may not compete in more than one event at the RLC or take the same test more than once, with the exception of Banking and Financial Systems, Broadcast Journalism, Business Ethics, Emerging Business Issues, Entrepreneurship, Global Business, Graphic Design, Hospitality Management, Introduction to Business Presentation, Management Decision Making, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Network Design, Parliamentary Procedure, Publication Design, Social Media Campaign, and Sports & Entertainment Management. See guidelines for the Banking and Financial Systems, Broadcast Journalism, Business Ethics, Emerging Business Issues, Entrepreneurship, Global Business, Graphic Design, Hospitality Management, Introduction to Business Presentation, Management Decision Making, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Network Design, Parliamentary Procedure, Publication Design, Social Media Campaign, and Sports & Entertainment Management events in Chapter Four of this handbook.

Planning Meeting

Prior to the RLC, member chapters of each region should arrange a planning meeting in preparation for the upcoming conference. Chapter advisers and officers should be included in the meeting with the regional adviser and officers. Each chapter should assist the host school by assuming responsibility for various aspects of the RLC program.


Each member and adviser pays a predetermined amount to cover the cost of a meal. The host chapter assumes the responsibility of preparing printed materials for the conference. The cost of transportation to and from the conference is the responsibility of the local chapter.

Registration Procedure

The host chapter will mail a letter and the necessary forms to each local chapter in the region at least six weeks prior to the conference. Examples of the letter and forms may be found here:

The chapter adviser should return the necessary forms, as well as a check for meals, before the designated date.

It is mandatory that all local chapters register for the RLC competitive events through the PA FBLA web site by the date established by the region adviser.

Upon arriving at the site of the RLC, the adviser should receive a conference packet which contains identification badges, conference information for the chapter’s participants, and meal tickets.


The RLC program primarily consists of competitive events and the election of regional officers. Information describing each competitive event may be found in Chapter Four of this handbook and in the National Chapter Management Handbook. A sample RLC program can be found on pages 50.

Awards for Competitive Events

Each first-, second-, third-, fourth-, and fifth-place winner of the individual/team competitive events will be awarded a certificate. A chapter that achieves first, second, third, fourth, or fifth place in outstanding chapter competition will receive a certificate. A region may also elect to give trophies or medals to the winner(s) in an individual/team or chapter event. This cost can be underwritten by assessing each chapter.

Policy for Events Requiring Equipment

All events requiring equipment (Computer Applications, Database Design and Applications, Spreadsheet Applications, and Word Processing) will be administered on a school-site basis. Upon registering for the RLC, the school-site tests will be mailed directly to the school-site administrator at the respective school. The region adviser and the remaining local chapter advisers will determine the procedure for returning/grading the school-site tests.

Election of Regional Officers

When the application for candidacy for regional officers (president and secretary) is received, a member of the local chapter who has demonstrated leadership and has been an active member should be encouraged to run for office. If an application is required, the adviser shall complete it, and return it by the designated date.

Before candidates may campaign actively, they will report to the designated person at the host school to find out where campaign materials may be distributed and where campaign posters may be displayed.

Each candidate must give a campaign speech–no longer than two minutes–stating his or her reasons for seeking the position and his or her goals if elected.

The two voting delegates from each chapter are eligible to cast a ballot for the candidate of their choice. The winners will be announced during the awards ceremony.

Planning Guidelines–Host Chapter

Preparing for an RLC involves a great deal of work and every member should be willing to help. Once you have decided to host an RLC, permission must be requested from the school administration. Be certain that the date placed on the school calendar does not conflict with other school activities. A vital step in planning the RLC is the careful appointment of committee chairmen. Plans should be made as far in advance as possible. Using the input from the regional planning meeting, the general outline for the conference should be planned.

The general chairman should set forth very specifically the duties of each committee, attend the meetings of each committee, serve as liaison among all the participants to maintain communication lines, and obtain necessary permission from school administrators.

The following committees are suggested. The chairman of these committees should comprise the planning committee so that each will be aware of the overall plan.


  • Consult the regional adviser and regional officers.
  • Plan a theme for the day.
  • Arrange program–general session(s), special programs, events, awards ceremony.
  • Invite guest speaker(s) and judges.
  • Invite appropriate school administrators and school board members.
  • Invite a state committee member to bring greetings.
  • Arrange to have stage crew representatives available.
  • Reserve necessary rooms and facilities in school.
  • Prepare programs.
  • Prepare ballots for regional election.
  • Provide candles and holders for officer installation service.
  • Designate a particular area where campaign material may be posted.
  • Arrange for custodial service.

Public Relations

  • Mail invitations, reservations, etc., to chapters in region prior to meeting.
  • Mail letters of appreciation to judges, guests, school administrators, etc., following the meeting.


  • Send news releases to all news media.
  • Arrange to have a television and/or newspaper photographer available at the awards ceremony.


  • Plan menu with food service staff and determine price per person.
  • Plan head table seating arrangements.
  • Provide podium and microphone for head table.
  • Make arrangements for meal reservations.
  • Prepare meal tickets.


  • Prepare decorations appropriate for the theme.
  • Make directional signs (inside and outside of the building).
  • Decorate all bulletin boards in business wing and classrooms.
  • Set up chapter exhibit in cafeteria or other large area.
  • Make small favors to be placed on the table in the cafeteria.


  • Maintain accurate records of the reservations as received.
  • Assign members to various entrances to welcome students and guests.
  • Make nametags and identify delegates.
  • Keep meal committee informed as to the number of reservations.
  • Prepare a large envelope with name tags, meal tickets, programs, and school map for each chapter’s participation.
  • Set up registration area where chapter advisers may pick up materials and leave materials relative to Future Business Leader and Job Interview.
  • Develop a list of schools that will be in attendance.

Competitive Events

  • Prepare signs identifying each room with the name of the event.
  • Compile a list of members competing in each event.
  • Arrange for a test correction center and refreshments for test administrators.
  • Assign members to escort test administrators to test correction center immediately upon arrival at the school.
  • Provide stopwatches for Broadcast Journalism, Business Ethics, Client Service, Emerging Business Issues, Graphic Design, Introduction to Business Presentation, Impromptu Speaking, Introduction to Public Speaking, Public Speaking, Publication Design, Sales Presentation, and Social Media Campaign.
  • Provide judges for Broadcast Journalism, Business Ethics, Client Service, Emerging Business Issues, Future Business Leader, Graphic Design, Introduction to Business Presentation, Impromptu Speaking, Job Interview, Introduction to Public Speaking, Public Speaking, Publication Design, Sales Presentation, and Social Media Campaign.
  • From test preference forms, prepare administrators’ assignments, listing each event and the administrator(s) for the events indicated above.
  • Appoint advisers or other adults to prepare certificates for event winners.
  • Appoint an adviser to be responsible for collecting rating sheets after judging has been completed.