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4.10 Membership Processing and Dues

State dues presently are $6 per member, and national dues presently are $6 per member. Both state and national dues must be paid for each member, and chapters will write one check for both state and national dues made payable to PA FBLA. All PA FBLA memberships and national memberships must be processed through the state office via the online membership processing system on the PA FBLA web site. The state office will upload members to the national membership processing web site.

Advisers should check the PA FBLA web site for instructions on how to process state and national membership. One check for state dues and national dues made payable to Pennsylvania FBLA and a copy of the invoice generated from the membership processing system should be sent to the PA FBLA Executive Director/State Chairman. In order to receive all issues of Tomorrow’s Business Leader, chapters are encouraged to ensure that initial dues are received by the state office before October 20.

Upon receipt of dues, the national office will mail national membership cards. Additional members maybe added throughout the school year; however, it is important to note that ONLY THOSE MEMBERS WHOSE DUES ARE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 31 ARE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE COMPETITIVE EVENTS AT THE REGIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE AND THE STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. In the event that a Regional Leadership Conference is held prior to January 31, all dues must be postmarked prior to the date of the conference as established by the region and posted on the PA FBLA web site. Dues are nonrefundable and non-transferable.