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4.04 Election of Officers

Proper selection and training of officers is extremely important. Chapters should encourage members to continue their leadership development by running for office on the local level. A recommended process for officer election includes:

  1. Using a nominating committee. A nominating committee can talk with possible candidates and insure that members with potential for leadership run for office. Consideration should be given to members in all grades to enable a continuance of leadership experience.
  2. Having, if possible, at least two candidates for each office. Nominations may be accepted from the floor if the nominee has submitted an application.
  3. Using a written ballot. The members will have an experience in true democracy by using a written ballot. A majority vote should be required for election.

Whether or not the chapter chooses to use a nominating committee, each candidate for local office should complete an application. A sample application as shown here can be used by the chapter.