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9.02 Emblem Ceremony

The organization’s official emblem should be constructed from paper, cardboard, felt, or wood large enough for handling and have a number of removable parts. These parts are to be affixed to the shield.


(raps gavel once for the group to come to order)

You are about to witness the emblem ceremony in which the significance of each component of our emblem is described.

(the president raps the gavel once, and the officers stand)


(stands at rostrum and picks up the eagle)

The eagle denotes our belief in democracy, liberty, and the American way of life.

(affixes the eagle to stand and steps back a few feet from the rostrum)

Member 1:

(moves to rostrum and picks up word “service”)

The word service denotes the idea that every individual should be interested in and take responsibility for promoting better social, political, community, and family life.

(affixes word and steps back)

Member 2:

(moves to rostrum and picks up word “education”)

The word education is symbolic of the idea that education is the right of every individual in America.

(affixes word and steps back)

Member 3:

(moves to rostrum and picks up word “progress”)

The word progress represents the challenge of tomorrow which depends on mutual understanding and cooperation of business, industry, labor, religious, family, and education institutions and by the people of our own and other lands.

(affixes word and steps back)

Member 4:

(moves to rostrum and picks up word “future”)

The word future reminds us that the future of the world depends upon the quality of leadership we are able to produce and we in FBLA will be the business leaders of the future. We must learn to recognize the situations in which our individual talents will become useful.

(affixes word and steps back)

Member 5:

(moves to rostrum and picks up word “business”)

The world of business is our world. To be successful in business, a person must be educated both formally and informally in business methods and procedures and in the basic principles of our economic system and government.

(affixes word and steps back)

Member 6:

(moves to rostrum and picks up word “leaders”)

The word leaders represents the search for knowledge in order for us to become better citizens. This knowledge will prepare us for the great task of leadership ahead.

(affixes word and steps back)

Member 7:

(moves to rostrum and picks up word “America”)

Finally, we think about America. The future of America depends on our generation. We should pledge ourselves to use any abilities endowed to us to make America a better place for everyone.

(affixes word and steps back)


(moves to rostrum and gives closing)

All the words now attached stand for Future Business Leaders of America. The shield stands for our organization which provides opportunities for each member to become a leader of tomorrow.

(the president raps the gavel once and the members sit down)