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4.08 Conducting Meetings

Well-planned, regularly scheduled chapter meetings are necessary for maintaining member interest, ensuring regular attendance, and promoting the general welfare of the group. Meetings are held to conduct business or present a specific program, not simply for having a meeting.

The following is an effective order of business:

  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of minutes
  3. Officers’ reports
    a. Secretary
    b. Treasurer
  4. Committee reports
    a. Standing
    b. Special
  5. Unfinished business
  6. New business
  7. Announcements
  8. Adjournment

Evaluating Meetings

Evaluations of the meetings should be done periodically to provide insight for the officers. The officers may do the evaluation for themselves, or various groups may be asked to evaluate the meetings, such as a Chapter Advisory Council or an ad hoc committee formed for this purpose. Use the evaluation form provided here or create your own.