General Schedule of Events
Information on 2025 SLC Open Competitive Events Offerings, Registration Times, and More Announced
click the link above for detailed information
Sunday, April 06
Registration Open, 7:00-9:00 pm | Hersheypark Open | Hershey Bears Hockey Game @ Giant Center | FBLA Fun Night
Special Online Objective Testing Session, 4:00-6:00 pm (by approval only / online application form link)
Monday, April 07
Registration Open, 7:00 am | Online Objective Tests and Performance Competitive Events (all day/see SLC calendar) | Career Expo and Leadership Workshops, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm | Exhibits Open |Campaign Rally, 6:30-8:30 pm | Opening General Session, 8:30-10:30 pm (middle school awards announced/presented at the beginning of the Opening Session)
Tuesday, April 08
Registration Open, 7:00 am | Online Objective Tests and Performance Competitive Events (all day/see schedule below) | Career Expo and Leadership Workshops, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm | Exhibits Open | Awards of Excellence Program, 7:00-10:30 pm
Required Picture Identification Requirements & Check-in Process/Other Competitive Events Policies
Pennsylvania FBLA has a mandatory competitor requirement that picture IDs are required at the event check-in for high school students in grades 9-12. With thousands of competitors at the PA FBLA SLC, the ID is to maintain the integrity of the competitive events program by verifying that the competitor is truly the competitor and not an impersonator.
Students MUST bring a picture ID to be presented at check-in to receive their testing passcode OR to participate in the performance events0. The picture ID may be their school ID, their driver’s license, their passport. If the student does not have a picture ID, the following form must be used as an “alternate” to the picture ID. A school administrator must certify the student’s identity and approve an attached picture to the form. Another option if a school administrator is not available: use a notary.
NO PICTURE ID? For someone who doesn’t have a picture ID, use this form. This requires school administrator certification and a photo taken at school at attached to this form.
FORGOT YOUR PICTURE ID IN HERSHEY? For someone who arrives on site and forgot his/her picture ID, use this form. It requires certification by the chapter adviser or parent who must accompany the student to the testing/performance area.
Students MUST be wearing their PA FBLA SLC name badge at the time they check in to take the test. For Sunday testing, name tags for Sunday testers will be at the registration desk immediately across from the entrance to the objective testing center, which is the Blue Room of the Great American Hall (closest to the convention center entrance). On Sunday, name tags will be available starting at 3:30 pm for those testing Sunday night.
THE CHECK-IN PROCESS for Objective Testing and Performances
1. Students will organize in the roped area outside the Hershey Lodge Blue Room, which is in the Convention Center Lobby.
2. Students must be in business attire, which complies with the PA FBLA Dress Code and includes his/her official conference name tag. Students must have their picture ID with them or have their school administrator approved alternate ID form.
- Pay CLOSE attention to the “unacceptable” dress code items. Dress code is NOT business casual; it is business professional. When in doubt, review your dress code selection with your adviser OR email the PA FBLA Competitive Events Coordinator,, with a picture of what you may consider wearing for an opinion.
3. The student must have a writing instrument with them.
4. At the time testing is ready to begin, students will be called into the Blue Room to begin the check-in process. The students will funnel into the room through one specific entrance.
5. Once inside the room, the students will report to one of four tables based on the first letter of their last name. The tables will be: A-F, G-L, M-R, and S-Z. Each competitor checks in at table matching his/her last name. At that table, the students will:
- Present their picture ID (or alternate school administrator approved form) to the event staff. A photocopy of a picture ID is not acceptable. A digital picture on the student’s phone is not acceptable.
- Have their dress attire reviewed for compliance with the PA FBLA Dress Code. If the student is not in compliance with the dress code:
- He/she may leave the room to alter his/her dress code to come into compliance and then return to the testing center, OR agree to take a 5-point deduction for a dress code violation that is not considered “egregious.”
- He/she will be asked to leave the testing center and return in compliance with the dress code OR not be permitted to take the test as a 5-point deduction will not be an option for an “egregious” dress code violation.
6. Once the student’s dress code compliance has been reviewed, the student will be given a 4×6 card that will include the student’s: (1) event ID, (2) username, and (3) passcode.
- The student will complete the required information and submit it as proof of attendance in the objective test center. The student will complete the following on the card:
(1) Printed full name, (2) Test Name, (3) Signature, (4) Date. ***The card MUST be turned into event staff as he/she leaves the room.
7. The student will be directed to exit the testing room via a specific door away from the testing center.
8. In order to receive the passcode, the student would have to be registered properly AND registration payment has been received. Advisers need to verify that payment has been received.
9. Students ARE NOT permitted to take any online objective test collaboratively in any event, effective with the 2022-2023 FBLA year, due to a change in guidelines announced by National FBLA.
10. Students ARE NOT permitted to use any resources when taking the online objective tests. Students ARE NOT permitted to use open notes, open web, open book. Any attempt to use any outside resource while taking the online test could results in disqualification and considered cheating.
11. Any event that requires a performance will require the student to come onsite to Hershey to participate “live” in the performance in front of the judges. There will be no exceptions or remote participation in these competitive events. It must be live, and students/advisers or parents must be prepared to have the students in Hershey for the published performance schedule. Provisions can be made for parents to bring the student to Hershey for the live competitive event and then leave. However, the student must be present at the published performance times OR be available to be sequestered for those events that require being sequestered. No exceptions will be made.
12. All performance events will be administered onsite at the State Leadership Conference. There will be no exceptions. There will be preliminary rounds on Monday, April 07, and final rounds on Tuesday, April 08. There will also be final rounds for certain events (with no preliminary rounds) either Monday or Tuesday.
13. Performance events check-in process:
- ID checks and dress code checks will take place for all preliminary rounds and final rounds.
- Events that are sequestered will have their ID check and dress code check when they arrive at the room where they are to be sequestered.
- For scheduled events that are not sequestered, ID checks and dress code checks will occur upon arrival at the performance room.
- Students must present a picture ID at the time of check-in, or an alternate form certified by a school administrator must be presented if the student does not have a picture ID. A photocopy of a picture ID is not acceptable. A digital picture on the student’s phone is not acceptable.
14. Any individual who is eligible to attend the SLC based on the above criteria AND pays the $105 registration fee is eligible and is permitted to attend the State Leadership Conference. There will be an extensive, robust leadership development program aligned with the Pennsylvania Career Education and Work Standards. Students who meet the criteria will receive documentation to place in the CEW portfolios at their home schools.
15. Preliminary- and final-round performance schedules are randomly generated through the competitive events program, Blue Panda. There are no changes to schedules that will be made based on requests for sporting events; other school activities; travel distance; or other personal or miscellaneous reasons. All competitors are expected to be in attendance at their published time. If a competitor’s event requires students to be “sequestered,” the student must be present in the holding room at the beginning of the competitive event and remain sequestered until his/her performance time is complete.
16. Any requests for online testing or performance accommodations based on a student’s disability must be documented by the chapter adviser in the “special needs” section of the student’s registration profile and must be supported by IEP or 504 documentation or medical documentation (example: extended time). Copies of that documentation, once entered into the special needs section, requires written documentation from a school’s special education official emailed to: Bruce Boncal, PA FBLA Executive Director,, and Derek Selleck, PA FBLA Competitive Events Coordinator,
Pre-conference Testing Information
Pre-Conference SLC Testing: March 26 – April 02, 2025 (no later than 5:00 pm) (top 15 finalists will be announced on April 03 by 9:00 pm)
Certain events (with role plays) will be administered at home schools under the direct supervision of school staff prior to the first day of the State Leadership Conference:
(1) Banking & Financial Systems, (2) Business Management, (3) Entrepreneurship, (4) Help Desk, (5) Hospitality & Event Management, (6) International Business, (7) Intro. to Event Planning, (8) Management Information Systems, (9) Marketing, (10) Network Design, (11) Parliamentary Procedure, (12) Sports & Entertainment Management
For individual/teams that are not announced as finalists, there will be no lodging or registration refunds.
Pre-Conference Production Tests: March 03-07, 2025
The following events with production tests will be administered at home schools under the direct supervision of school staff prior to the State Leadership Conference:
(1) Computer Applications, (2) Spreadsheet Applications, (3) Word Processing
Tests must be uploaded via Blue Panda as a single PDF file asset no later than March 11, 2025, by 11:59 pm.
2025 State Leadership Conference Competitive Onsite Online Objective Events Schedule
Students must be in compliance with the PA FBLA Dress Code to take the test. The dress code is found here.
Online Objective Testing
Students are to bring their own fully-charged laptop/tablet (Window, MacOS, Chrome, iOS, Android) to take their test. Phones are not compatible with the testing system. If using school equipment, the FBLA adviser/competitor must check with the school entity technical staff to make sure there are no security issues connecting to the Hershey Lodge Wifi or other school policies that would prevent the student from accessing the online test.
Sunday, April 6, 2025/Hershey Lodge: 04:00 pm – 06:00 pm — Blue Room
(1) Online Testing/Pre-registration Required (by approval only / online application form link)
Pennsylvania FBLA is offering a special 2-hour Sunday window to commuter students (those not staying onsite) and others to minimize time out of school and avoid previously scheduled conflicts. Online objective tests are a maximum of 50 minutes. To submit a request to test during the Sunday session, please complete this form. There must be a separate form for each competitor. Suggestion: have the student complete the form.
Monday, April 7, 2025/Hershey Lodge: 08:00 am (subject to change/this is not a final schedule)
(1) Future Business Leader, (2) Accounting I, (3) Accounting II, (4) Advertising, (5) Computer Applications, (7) Spreadsheet Applications, (8) Word Processing
Monday, April 7, 2025/Hershey Lodge: 09:00 am (subject to change/this is not a final schedule)
(1) Agribusiness, (2) Business Communication, (3) Financial Math, (4) Intro. to Parliamentary Procedure
Monday, April 7, 2025/Hershey Lodge: 10:00 am (subject to change/this is not a final schedule)
(1) Business Law, (2) Computer Problem Solving, (3) Cybersecurity, (4) Intro. to Business Procedures
Monday, April 7, 2025/Hershey Lodge: 11:00 am (subject to change/this is not a final schedule)
(1) Economics, (2) Healthcare Administration, (3) Human Resource Management, (4) Insurance & Risk Management
Monday, April 7, 2025/Hershey Lodge: 12:00 noon (subject to change/this is not a final schedule)
(1) Intro. to Business Concepts, (2) Intro. to FBLA, (3) Intro. to Financial Math, (4) Intro. to Information Technology
Monday, April 7, 2025/Hershey Lodge: 01:00 pm (subject to change/this is not a final schedule)
(1) Intro. to Business Communication, (2) Intro. to Marketing Concepts, (3) Journalism, (4) Networking Infrastructures
Monday, April 7, 2025/Hershey Lodge: 02:00 pm (subject to change/this is not a final schedule)
(1) Organization Leadership, (2) Personal Finance, (3) Public Policy & Advocacy
Monday, April 7, 2025/Hershey Lodge: 03:00 pm (subject to change/this is not a final schedule)
(1) Securities & Investments, (2) Supply Chain Management, (3) UX Design
2025 State Leadership Conference Performance Events Schedule
Students must be in compliance with the PA FBLA Dress Code to take the test. The dress code is found here.
State Leadership Conference Tentative Performance Schedules (Monday, April 07)
this list is under revision and subject to change based on the number of competitors, sections needed, and meeting room availability
- American Enterprise Project
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge)
- Broadcast Journalism
- (preliminary round groups A-C) (1:00 pm – 5:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (updated 03.13.25)
- Business Management
- (final round) (role play schedule) (1:45 pm – 6:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 1:45 pm) (updated 03.13.25)
- Business Ethics
- (preliminary round groups A-C) (8:00 am – 11:45 am @ Hotel Hershey) (competitors will complete objective test portion at Hotel Hershey) (updated 03.13.25)
- Business Plan
- (final round) (1:00 pm – 5:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey)
- Client Service
- (preliminary round groups A-C) (1:45 pm – 5:45 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room by 1:45 pm) (updated 03.13.25)
- Community Service Project
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge)
- Computer Game & Simulation Programming
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:45 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (updated 03.13.25)
- Data Analysis
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge) (updated 03.13.25)
- Electronic Career Portfolio
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / practice session available with equipment available 6:30 am – 7:30 am)
- Future Business Educator
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge) (updated 03.13.25)
- Future Business Leader
- (preliminary round groups A-B) (2:00 pm – 5:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge)
- Graphic Design
- (preliminary round groups A-E) (8:00 am – 12:00 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (updated 03.13.25)
- Help Desk
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 11:15 am @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am)
- Impromptu Speaking
- (preliminary round groups A-D) (1:00 pm – 4:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 1:00 pm) (updated 03.13.25)
- Introduction to Business Presentation
- (preliminary round groups A-E) (1:00 pm – 4:45 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (updated 03.13.25)
- Introduction to Event Planning
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am) (updated 03.13.25)
- Introduction to Programming
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / practice session available with equipment available 6:30 am – 7:30 am)
- Introduction to Public Speaking
- (preliminary round groups A-E) (10:30 am – 1:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge) (updated 03.13.25)
- Introduction to Social Media Strategy
- (preliminary round groups A-D) (2:00 pm – 6:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge)
- Job Interview
- (preliminary round groups A-D) (8:00 am – 11:30 am @ Hershey Lodge) (updated 03.13.25)
- Local Chapter Annual Business Report
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge)
- Management Information Systems
- (final round) (role play schedule) (1:45 pm – 6:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 1:45 pm) (updated 03.13.25)
- Network Design
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am) (updated 03.13.25)
- Partnership with Business Project
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge)
- Public Speaking
- (preliminary round groups A-E ) (8:00 am – 10:30 am @ Hershey Lodge) (updated 03.13.25)
- Sales Presentation
- (preliminary round groups A-D) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (updated 03.13.25)
- Social Media Strategies
- (preliminary round groups A-D) (2:00 pm – 6:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge)
- Sports & Entertainment Management
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am) (updated 03.13.25)
- Visual Design
- (preliminary round groups A-D) (2:00 pm – 6:15 pm @ Hershey Lodge)
- Website Design
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / practice session available with equipment available 6:30 am – 7:30 am)
State Leadership Conference Tentative Performance Schedules (Tuesday, April 08)
this list is under revision and subject to change based on the number of competitors, sections needed, and meeting room availability
- Banking & Financial Systems
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am)
- Broadcast Journalism
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:45 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website) (updated 03.13.25)
- Business Ethics
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:45 pm @ Hershey Lodge) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website) (updated 03.13.25)
- Client Service
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 12:00 pm @ Hotel Hershey / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- Coding & Programming
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (updated 03.13.25)
- Digital Animation
- (final round) (8:00 am – 11:45 am @ Hotel Hershey) (updated 03.13.25)
- Digital Video Production
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Hotel Hershey)
- Entrepreneurship
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am)
- Financial Statement Analysis
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey)
- Future Business Leader
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- Graphic Design
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- Hospitality & Event Management
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am)
- Impromptu Speaking
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- International Business
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am)
- Introduction to Business Presentation
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:45 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website) (updated 03.13.25)
- Introduction to Public Speaking
- (final round) (8:00 am – 11:30 am @ Hershey Lodge) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- Introduction to Social Media Strategy
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- Job Interview
- (final round) (8:00 am – 11:30 am @ Hershey Lodge) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- Marketing
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am)
- Mobile Application Development
- (final round) (8:00 am – 9:30 am @ Hotel Hershey) (updated 03.13.25)
- Parliamentary Procedure
- (final round) (role play schedule) (8:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge / competitors required to be sequestered and in holding room no later than 8:00 am)
- Public Service Announcement
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hotel Hershey)
- Public Speaking
- (final round) (8:00 am – 11:30 am @ Hershey Lodge) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- Sales Presentation
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- Social Media Strategies
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge) (finalists from Monday’s preliminary rounds will be published on the event app and on the PA FBLA website)
- Visual Design
- (final round) (8:00 am – 12:00 pm @ Hershey Lodge / practice session available with equipment available 6:30 am – 7:30 am)
- Website Coding & Development
- (final round) (8:00 am – 1:30 pm @ Hershey Lodge / practice session available with equipment available 6:30 am – 7:30 am)
Finalists — Event with Role Plays (actual finalists are arranged in alpha order)
Additional Information will be sent by email to the chapter adviser.
Additional information about report time for sequestering will appear after this initial post; check the conference app for specific days and specific report time.
Banking & Financial Systems
Business Management
Help Desk
Hospitality & Event Management
International Business
Introduction to Event Planning
Management Information Systems
Network Design
Parliamentary Procedure
Sports & Entertainment Management
Onsite Performance Schedules
Monday, April 7/Hershey Lodge: (specific time slots/specific rooms will be published in mid to later March)
08:00 am – 10:15 am: preliminary round performances (1) Public Speaking (groups A, B, C, D)
08:00 am – 11:00 am: preliminary round performances (1) Job Interview (groups A, B, C, D)
08:00 am – 11:15 am: final performances (1) Help Desk
08:00 am – 01:00 pm: final performances (1) American Enterprise Project, (2) Community Service Project, (3) Local Chapter Annual Business Report, (4) Partnership with Business Project
08:00 am – 01:30 pm: final performances (1) Electronic Career Portfolio, (2) Intro. to Programming, (3) Website Design
08:00 am – 12:30 pm: final performances (1) Intro. to Event Planning*, (2) Network Design*, (3) Sports & Entertainment Management*,
>>>*students must be present in the holding room no later than 8:00 am to be sequestered during the performances
10:30 am – 01:00 pm: preliminary round performances (1) Intro. to Public Speaking (groups A, B, C, D)
02:00 pm – 5:30 pm: preliminary round performances (1) Future Business Leader
02:oo pm – 05:45 pm: preliminary round performances (1) Client Service (groups A, B)
>>>*students must be present in the holding room no later than 2:00 pm to be sequestered during the performances
02:00 pm – 6:15 pm: preliminary round performances (1) Visual Design (groups A, B, C, D)
02:00 pm – 6:30 pm: preliminary round performances (1) Intro. to Social Media Strategy (groups A, B, C, D), (2) Social Media Strategies (groups A, B, C, D)
02:00 pm – 06:30 pm: final performances (1) Business Management*, (2) Management Information Systems*
>>>*students must be present in the holding room no later than 2:00 pm to be sequestered during the performances
Monday, April 7/Hotel Hershey: (specific time slots/specific rooms will be published in mid March)
shuttle service is provided between the Hershey Lodge and Hotel Hershey
08:00 am – 11:00 am: preliminary round performances (1) Business Ethics* (groups A, B, C)
>>>*Business Ethics competitors may take their online objective test anytime between 8:30 am and 11:00 am at the Hotel Hershey
08:00 am – 11:30 am: preliminary round performances (1) Sales Presentation (groups A, B, C, D)
08:00 am – 12:30 pm: preliminary round performances (1) Graphic Design (groups A, B, C, D)
08:00 am – 01:00 pm: final performances (1) Computer Game & Simulation Programming, (2) Data Analysis
12:45 pm – 04:00 pm: preliminary round performances (1) Intro. to Business Presentation (groups A, B, C, D)
12:45 pm – 04:30 pm: preliminary round performances (1) Broadcast Journalism (groups A, B, C, D)
12:45 pm – 05:00 pm: preliminary round performances (1) Impromptu Speaking* (groups A, B, C)
>>>*students must be present in the holding room no later than 12:45 pm to be sequestered during the performances
01:00 pm – 06:00 pm: final performances (1) Business Plan
02:00 pm – 05:30 pm: final performances (1) Future Business Educator
Tuesday, April 8/Hershey Lodge: (specific time slots/specific rooms will be published in mid March)
08:00 am – 11:30 am: final round performances (1) Intro. to Public Speaking, (2) Public Speaking
08:00 am – 12:00 noon: final round performances (1) Impromptu Speaking*
>>>*students must be present in the holding room no later than 08:00 am to be sequestered during the performances
08:00 am – 12:15 pm: final round performances (1) Business Ethics
08:00 am – 11:30 am: final round performances (1) Future Business Leader, (2) Job Interview
08:00 am – 11:30 am: final round performances (1) Sales Presentation, (2) Social Media Strategies
08:00 am – 01:30 pm: final performances (1) Website Coding & Development
08:00 am – 02:00 pm: final round performances (1) Visual Design
08:00 am – 12:30 pm: final round performances (1) Banking & Financial Systems*, (2) Marketing*, (3) International Business*, (4) Entrepreneurship*
>>>*students must be present in the holding room no later than 08:00 am to be sequestered during the performances
08:00 am – 01:00 pm: final round performances (1) Parliamentary Procedure*
>>>*students must be present in the holding room no later than 08:00 am to be sequestered during the performances
Tuesday, April 8/Hotel Hershey: (specific time slots/specific rooms will be published in mid March)
shuttle service is provided between the Hershey Lodge and Hotel Hershey
08:00 am – 11:15 am: final round performances (1) Digital Animation, (2) Mobile Application Development
08:00 am – 12:00 noon: final round performances (1) Client Service*
>>>*students must be present in the holding room no later than 08:00 am to be sequestered during the performances
08:00 am – 12:30 pm: final round performances (1) Broadcast Journalism, (2) Financial Statement Analysis, (3) Graphic Design, (4) Intro. to Business Presentation, (5) Intro. to Social Media Strategy, (6) Public Service Announcement
08:00 am – 12:30 pm: final round performances (1) Hospitality & Event Management*
>>>*students must be present in the holding room no later than 08:00 am to be sequestered during the performances
08:00 am – 01:00 pm: final round performances (1) Coding & Programming, (2) Digital Video Production
State-only Individual/Team Competitive Events: maximum of 15 finalists announced no later than January 31, 2025.
1. Chapters will be able to register and lodge students through Blue Panda until February 1, 2025. Do not register students for these events until official notification si received from the state office.
2. The deadline for submission of these events was December 11, 2024, by 11:59 pm.
3. Finalists will be announced no later than January 31, 2025 (likely earlier based on past experience)
4. The events in this category are:
Business Plan | Digital Video Production | Mobile Application Development |
Coding & Programming | Electronic Career Portfolio | Public Service Announcement |
Computer Game & Simulation Programming | Financial Statement Analysis | Website Coding & Development |
Data Analysis | Future Business Educator | Website Design |
Digital Animation | Introduction to Programming |
State-only Chapter Competitive Events: maximum of 15 finalists announced no later than March 1, 2025.
1. Chapters may select 1-3 students to present at the State Leadership Conference. The students may be in addition to those qualified to attend the State Leadership Conference OR they come from those already registered for the conference in other events.
2. Chapters must complete registration and lodging for any new students by March 2, 2025, 11:59 pm and must be prepared to act quickly OR plan to have students transported to Hershey the day of their presentation.
3. The deadline for submission of these events will be February 17, 2025, by 11:59 pm.
4. Each item must be uploaded to Blue Panda as an asset (a single PDF file).
5. Each event requires an upload of a pre-recorded video as if the students were performing live in front of a panel of judges.
6. Students may participate in one (1) individual/team competitive event AND one chapter event only.
7. The events in this category are:
American Enterprise Project | Local Chapter Annual Business Report | Partnership with Business Project |
Community Service Project |
Production Tests: administered the week of March 03-07, 2025.
1. The tests will be distributed to chapter advisers no later than March 1, 2025.
2. All tests must be uploaded to Blue Panda as an asset (a single PDF file) no later than March 11, 2025, by 11:59 pm.
3. There will no notification of winners in these events UNTIL the Awards Program on Tuesday night, April 08.
4. The events in this category are:
Computer Applications | Spreadsheet Applications | Word Processing |
use the Production Test Reference Guide for all tests) |
Open Competitive Events: administered the week of March 24-28, 2025.
1. Pre-registration will be required through Blue Panda. Details will be announced. The event titles are subject to change.
2. Only students registered for the State Leadership Conference may participate in the open competitive events.
3. Students may register for up to five different open events.
4. Participation in the open competitive events program is in addition to the student’s regular competitive event.
5. There will be a schedule of days when specific tests must be taken.
6. Passcodes will be made available to advisers to download no later than March 20, 2025.
7. The tentative list of events in this category this year (subject to change until registration opens):
Behavioral Economics | Career Readiness | Consumer Skills |
Corporate Social Responsibility | Current Events | FBLA Guiding Principles (Pledge, Ethics, Mission, Goals, Conduct) |
Financial Literacy | Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence | Introduction to Digital Media |
Introduction to Financial Technologies | Macroeconomics | Microeconomics |
Public Relations | Social Media in Business & Society | Social Media Marketing |