PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
  (570) 398-4652 Phone/(570) 737-4250 Fax

2024-2025 Region Leadership Conference Information

RLC Registration Milestones/Policies
To access Blue Panda:  https://app.gobluepanda.com

November 18, 2024:  RLC registration opens at 8:00 am for all Pennsylvania FBLA regions and will remain open until your region adviser identifies the region closing deadline.    Blue Panda is the official RLC registration for all 29 PA FBLA regions.
November 21, 2024:  Earliest date any region’s RLC registration may close

December 02, 2024:  Earliest date online objective tests and performance events may begin
December 11, 2024:  Earliest date RLCs may be held
December 11, 2024:  State-only individual/team competitive events submission deadline via Blue Panda, by 11:59 pm
December 31, 2024:  Date to determine a region’s membership incentive plan (Plan A/B/C/D)
January 26, 2025:  Final date RLC awards programs may be held
February 01, 2025:  Final date for a region’s chapters to make competitive events changes
February 15, 2025:  State-only chapter events submission deadline via Blue Panda, by 11:59 pm

Region Adviser Reporting Forms:
1. RLC Dates Reporting Form: https://pafbla.wufoo.com/forms/k1kp6b881tqq97r/
2. 25-26 New Region Officers Report Form: https://pafbla.wufoo.com/forms/z14t6ulx0bjbh73/
3. Certificate of Insurance Request Form: https://pafbla.wufoo.com/forms/x1jay5co1ied07b/

2024-2025 — PA FBLA Competitive Events Guidelines
2024-2025 — Competitive Events Eligibility Guidelines
2024-2025 — Who is Eligible to Attend the State Leadership Conference?
2024-2025 — RLC Events Planning Document for Use by Local Chapters
2024-2025 — Competitive Events Topics
2024-2025 — Competitive Events Descriptions

Common Question:  How many competitive events may a student compete in?
Students may compete in one competitive event only.  The student may choose one of the RLC objective tests, performance events, or production tests OR one state-only individual/team competitive event, but not both. 

Chapter events are just that — chapter events.  Working on a chapter project on behalf of the chapter does not prevent a student from competing in one of the other competitive events.  A chapter event is created on behalf of the chapter, not an individual or team of students.  A chapter only identifies the students associated with a chapter event at the time the project is submitted at the February 15, 2025, deadline.  Otherwise, the student should plan to — and may — compete in another competitive event.

Common Question:  Are they event preparation resources for the competitive events?

  • National FBLA has resources available on FBLA Connect for preparation access.  Click this link to access the resources.  A login to FBLA Connect will be required.  In this area will be sample test questions and sample role plays.
  • Derek Selleck, Competitive Events Coordinator, will be conducting a competitive events “boot camp” at the State Leadership Workshop.  For advisers and students attending the SLW, there will be a series of sessions on Sunday and Monday, November 03-04.  Derek Selleck will share suggestions for event preparation and insight from judges during these boot camp sessions.
  • Derek Selleck, Competitive Events Coordinator, will also be offering a series of evening Zoom meetings to prepare students and advisers for the competitive events program in October.  A schedule of Zoom sessions will be sent by email.
  • From the printed competitive event guidelines, review:  (1) the online objective test competencies (that’s the content from which the test is written, (2) the performance event rating sheets (that’s how the judges will evaluate the performance)

Downloadable Documents

  1.  PA FBLA Competitive Events-at-a-Glance Flyer
  2.  Blue Panda RLC Registration Step-by-Step Instructions (all advisers are encouraged to have the instructions as your side as a guide)
  3.  RLC Asset Collection Procedures
  4.  Upload Videos to  YouTube as “Unlisted”
  5. RLC Planning Document for Chapters/Sign-up Form for Local Chapters

Blue Panda Login Credentials

  1.  Returning advisers — the credentials from 2023-2024 have remained the same.
  2.  New advisers — temporary login credentials were emailed to all new advisers.  The email included instructions how to set a permanent password.
  3. These credentials will be used for the following PA FBLA events:  (1) State Leadership Workshop, (2) Region Leadership Conference, (3) State Leadership Conference, and (4) National Leadership Conference.

How to Prepare Your Students for the RLC

  1.  Download and print this PA FBLA Competitive Events-at-a-Glance Flyer.  This provides an overview of all competitive events offered by PA FBLA.
  2. Download and print this RLC Planning Document.  This is the complete list of events that will be offered at your RLC (unless identified by your region adviser).
  3. Decide whether your students will participate in the regular RLC competitive events OR the state-only competitive events.
  4. Watch the recording of the recorded Zoom meeting for advisers and students on the RLC competitive events program overviews.  In the video, there are tips and tricks to help students prepare for their competitive event.  The following are links to the most recent Zoom meetings and slide presentations:
    1. State-Only Competitive Events Overview Zoom Recording, Date TBD
      —November xx slide deck
    2. RLC Competitive Events Overview Zoom Recording, Date TBD
      —November xx slide deck

Region Leadership Conference Policies

  1. Pennsylvania FBLA Competitive Events Guidelines (published early September 2024)
  2. Administration of Online Objective Tests:
    1. All Region Leadership Conference objective tests will be conducted at the home school under the direct supervision of school staff UNLESS the region chooses to administer the online objective tests on the day of the RLC. There will be NO objective testing conducted at a student’s home UNLESS the student is part of the Virtual/Cyber Region 29.
    2. Students in Pennsylvania RLC and SLC online competitive events ARE NOT permitted to take tests using open book, open notes, open web research.  Students in online objective tests are required to test under the direct supervision of school staff; students are not permitted to test at home.
    3. Students ARE NOT permitted to take any online objective test collaboratively in any event, effective with the 2022-2023 FBLA year, due to a change in guidelines announced by National FBLA.
      1. The scores of all team members will be averaged to determine the average team score in events in which there are teams.
      2. Any team member who does not sign in and take the test will be removed from the team and prevented from advancing in the competition.
  3. RLC Format:
    1. Each region, under the leadership of the region adviser, may determine how it wishes to administer its competitive events program: (1) totally in-person, (2) in a hybrid format with some in person and some virtual.   The PA FBLA Board of Directors has approved a resolution that there must be some “in person” component to each region’s RLC.
  4. Region Officers:
    1. According the PA FBLA policy, each region should elect a minimum of two region officers:  a region president and a region secretary.  All 24-25 outgoing region officers, as well as the incoming 25-26 region officers, are eligible to attend the state conference.  Regions have the choice to elect their region officers in person at their RLC or virtually.  The region adviser may contact the state office for assistance with the administration of a virtual region officer election.  New policy for 2024-2025:  All region officers, which may include president/vice president/secretary/treasurer, are eligible to attend the State Leadership Conference — even if they are not eligible to attend the SLC in a competitive event.

  5. Policy Change Regarding Students Repeating in Competitive Events:

    1. Members may compete in an event at the NLC more than once if they have not previously placed in the top ten of that event at the NLC.  If a member places in the top ten of an event at the NLC, they are no longer eligible to compete in that event.  This eliminates the exceptions for team events that were previously in place, as this change will now affect all events.  This change was announced by National FBLA and is effective with the 2022-2023 FBLA year.  For a list of Pennsylvania FBLA High School 9-12 winners, click here for a historical list of NLC winners.  Advisers should only be concerned with the following NLCs:  2024 (Orland0), 2023 (Atlanta), 2022 (Chicago), 2021 (virtual).
    2. For PA FBLA-related events, students may repeat in the same event as long as they have not placed in the top 10 at the NLC.  For team events, any and all students may repeat on the team as long as the students did not place in the top 10 at the NLC.  For example, a student may repeat in Business Calculations each year of the four years a student may be a member UNLESS he/she placed in the top 10 at the NLC.  Once that student places in the top 10 at the NLC, that student or the members of a team may not compete in that event again.  The same policy change applies to any and all students in team events such as Entrepreneurship or Parliamentary Procedure, for example.  This policy change immediately replaces previous guidelines that permitted members of a team to repeat, even if they had placed in the top 10 at the NLC.
    3. Note:  This policy change does not apply to the four chapter events as a chapter may assign any students to present on behalf of a chapter.  A student may participate in one chapter event in multiple years – even if he/she placed in the top 10 at an NLC.  The four chapter events are:  (1) American Enterprise Project, (2) Community Service Project, (3) Local Chapter Annual Business Report, (4) Partnership with Business Project.

Reported RLC Dates by Region Advisers:

Region 01:

  1. Region Adviser:  Barbara Miller, Northwestern High School, bmiller@nwsd.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 02:

  1. Region Adviser:  Jeanne Pursel, Neshannock J/S High School, jpursel@ntsd.org | LeAnn Petro, Wilmington Area High School, petro@wasd.school
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 03:

  1. Region Adviser:  Adelle Dolney, Penns Manor High School, dolneyad@pennsmanor.org | Hannah Gnagey, Homer-Center High School, hgnagey@homercenter.org | Tyson Ellenberger, Marion Center High School, tellenberger@mcasd.net
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 04:

  1. Region Adviser:  Janet Skiles, Retired Educator, jskiles@pafbla.us
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 05:

  1. Region Adviser:  Matthew Claar, Claysburg-Kimmel High School, mclaar@cksdbulldogs.com | Bonnie Makin Forest Hills High School, bmakin@fhrangers.org
  2. RLC Date:  Tuesday, January 14, 2025
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  Thursday, January 21, 2025
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  December 16-20, 2024, at home schools prior to the RLC
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:   December 09-13, 2024, at home schools prior to the RLC
  6. RLC Performance Events:  performed “live and in person” on the day of the RLC
  7. RLC Location:  Saint Francis University

Region 06:

  1. Region Adviser:  Lena Showers-Lewis, Littlestown High School, lewisl@lasd.k12.pa.us
  2. RLC Date:  Thursday, December 19, 2024
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  Tuesday, November 26, 2024
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  December 02-09, 2024, at home schools prior to the RLC
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: December 02-09, 2024, at home schools prior to the RLC
  6. RLC Performance Events: performed “live and in person” on the day of the RLC; December 09 is the final upload deadline for upload of URLs of required pre-recorded items or materials for Job Interview, Future Business Leader, and Business Ethics
  7. RLC Location:  York College

Region 07:

  1. Region Adviser:  Heather Zimmerman, Muncy J/S High School, hzimmerman@muncysd.k12.pa.us
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 08:

  1. Region Adviser:  Kelly Ackerman, Fleetwood Area High School, kackerman@fleetwoodasd.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 09:

  1. Region Adviser:  Stephanie Shrake, Avon Grove High School, sshrake@avongrove.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 10:

  1. Region Adviser:  Roxanne Delon, Central Valley High School, rdelon@centralvalleysd.net
  2. RLC Date:  Monday, December 09, 2024
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  Monday, November 25, 2024
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  December 02-06, 2024, at home schools prior to the RLC
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  December 02-06, 2024, at home schools prior to the RLC
  6. RLC Location:  Robert Morris University

Region 11:

  1. Region Adviser:  Anthony Kobus, Penn Hills High School, akobus@phsd.k12.pa.us
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 12:

  1. Region Adviser:  Janice Farley, William Tennent High School, farlja@centennialsd.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 13:

  1. Region Adviser:  Bruce Boncal, PA FBLA Executive Director, bboncal@pafbla.us | Derek Selleck, PA FBLA Competitive Events Coordinator, dselleck@pafbla.us
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 14:

  1. Region Adviser:  Carri Donmoyer, Bald Eagle Area High School, carri.donmoyer@beasd.net 
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 15:

  1. Region Adviser:  Amy Sullivan, Cedar Crest High School, asullivan@clsd.k12.pa.us | Michelle Sweigert, Central Dauphin High School, msweigert@cdschools.org | Amy Weddle, Eastern Lebanon County High School, aweddle@elcosd.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 16

  1. Region Adviser:  Lisa Joyce, Pittston Area High School, lisa.joyce@pittstonarea.com | David Joyce, Wilkes-Barre Area CTC, djoyce@wbactc.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 17:

  1. Region Adviser:  Melissa McDonald, Chestnut Ridge High School, mmcdonald@crlions.org
  2. RLC Date:  Tuesday, December 10, 2024
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  Friday, November 22, 2024
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  December 02-06, 2024, at home schools prior to the RLC
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  December 02-06, 2024, at home schools prior to the RLC
  6. RLC Performance Events: performed “live and in person” on the day of the RLC
  7. RLC Location:  ACM Everett

Region 18:

  1. Region Adviser:  Kristi Ryland, Cocalico High School, kryland@cocalico.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 19:

  1. Region Adviser:  Charles Horner, Radnor High School, charles.horner@rtsd.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 20:

  1. Region Adviser:  Jessica Sundling, Upper Dublin High School, udhsfbla@udsd.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 21:

  1. Region Adviser:  Jennifer Danzeisen, Palmerton Area High School, jdanzeisen@palmerton.org | Kerry Palumbo, Palmerton Area High School, kpalumbo@palmerton.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 22:

  1. Region Adviser:  Melissa Monte, Wallenpaupack Area High School, monteme@wallenpaupack.org | Audrey Dennis, Delaware Valley High School, dennisa@dvsd.org
  2. RLC Date:  Tuesday, January 07, 2025
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  Wednesday, November 27, 2024
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:    December 03-18, 2024, at home schools prior to the RLC
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: December 03-18, 2024
  6. RLC Performance Events:  Performed “live and in person” on the day of the RLC; December 18 is the final upload deadline for upload of materials for Job Interview, Future Business Leader, and Business Ethics
  7. RLC Location:  University of Scranton

Region 23:

  1. Region Adviser:  Dan Frake, Selinsgrove Area High School, dfrake@seal-pa.org | Renee Hughes, Pine Grove Area High School, rhughes@pgasd.com
  2. RLC Date:  Tuesday, December 17, 2024
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  Thursday, November 21, 2024
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  December 02-December 13, 2024
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: December 02-December 13, 2024
  6. RLC Performance Events:  performed “live and in person” on the day of the RLC; December 13 is the final upload deadline for upload of URLs of required pre-recorded items or materials for Job Interview, Future Business Leader, and Business Ethics
  7. RLC Location:  Susquehanna University

Region 24:

  1. Region Adviser:  John Good, Peters Township High School, goodj@pt-sd.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 25:

  1. Region Adviser:  Mike Gardner, Franklin Learning Center, migardner@philasd.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 26:

  1. Region Adviser:  Riley Brown, Big Spring High School, rbrown@bigspringsd.org
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 27:

  1. Region Adviser:  Kathy McHenry, Mountain View J/S High School, kmchenry@mvsd.net
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 28:

  1. Region Adviser:  Beverly Klein, Easton Area High School, kleinb@eastonsd.org | Joe Peregrin, Lehigh CTI, peregrinj@lcti.org
  2. RLC Date: 
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window: 
  6. RLC Location:  

Region 29:

  1. Region Adviser:  Jake Sarwar, PA FBLA Virtual Chapter, jsarwar@pafbla.us
  2. RLC Date:  
  3. RLC Registration Deadline:  
  4. RLC Online Objective Tests Administration Window:  
  5. RLC Production Tests Administration Window:  
  6. RLC Location: